This game is played online in browser. 

Normal Playthrough Time: 5-10 min

Please see [above] to play the game. Thank you.

Hi! This is Hongjing Hu, and this is my first game made on Godot, for 2D Game Jam 2024. I made all the illustrations and music in this game, and please leave any comments regarding your suggestions and thoughts!


Programming: Hongjing Hu

Music: Hongjing Hu

Art: Hongjing Hu

Contact Information:


[left] and [right] keys to move left and right

[space bar] to jump

mouse to click on buttons


Dear Player:

_____Thank you for playing my first game. As I am typing, there is only one hour left for the 2024 2D Game Jam hosted by DamianCatchingZs and hexalithic, and I am still tring my best to check all the buttons work.

_____This is my first game ever made, and probably you can tell from the lack of intercation mechanisms in this game. I simply did not figure out how to 'toggle [E]' to interact with something in godot. Another thing is button designs, I just did not have time to learn it. 

_____"Time" is an interesting topic, and the past 10 days made me realise how fast time can fly, especially when doing something you love. Nevetherless, I tried to explore on the idea of "how should we spent our time". Afterall, we will always be alone, thus it probably is helpful to spend sometime for yourself? I don't know. 

_____I really love the idea that all of myselves would reunion in the sky, meaning that although sometime you may feel lonely, yourself is actually always by your side. 

_____All the music in this game were made by me, and I played the Xiao (箫: Chinese Traditional Instrument) in the sky BGM. 

_____Last but not the least, I wish to thank my wife for supporting my interest in games. I have put a lot of our sweet memories in this game. We can consider this game as our first child. :) 

Thank you for playing this game, and spend your precious time reading my story. I wish you good morning, afternoon, or evening, and wish you have a good day. 

Made withGodot


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So many shared memories together!! Absolutely amazing!!!
Mama love you!!


Wow, I wasn't expecting to play such a meaningful game! I love it! I love the art, and the music is great, Awesome job!

Hi! Thank you for your comment! I really love the last-minute inheritance as well! I really can learn from the super polished, coherent, clear and beautifully designed interface in the game!


I don't know what to say, just know that I'm extremely impressed.

I was looking around the game jam submissions and clicking randomly to check out what people did. I'm both grateful that I also randomly clicked on your submission, and I also fear that I would have missed this game just as easily by some random fluctuations of the algorithm. Whatever the case, I'm very glad I got to play this!

The visuals were impressive, for example you know for sure how to leave a great first impression with the beginning of the game (and how it cycled back in the ending)! Music also amazing, I do want to listen to more of that, for sure.

As a first game, trust me that this was much more than anyone would expect. As I was playing this, I was overwhelmed by the genuine love you poured in this game, I like to think I could feel it too. I was planning to say that I almost teared up, but some actually came out when I read the ending text so there that goes ahah

Never thought about how in the afterlife I could meet with the various past myselves, that's kind of a sweet thought.

Now, I don't know how the algorithm will serve up this submission. While I hope that as many people as possible will get to play this, I know that it can be random and make people miss up. A word of advice I have is to revisit the game page you got up for it, since the screenshots take the entire page and make it hard to parse it visually. Would be sad to miss playing the game cause the page is confusing to look at!

Whatever the case, just know that - in my opinion - I believe you got something that's worth telling, whether it was with this game, and especially (my hope) with your future games! I'll be glad to see what's going to come next, and see how you're going to improve with these game dev tools.

Best of luck for the future, you got this!


Dear Lionel Bell, 

I am more than delighted to receive your touching and genuie comment. My family and I went through your comment, and we are all grateful.

As you have suggested, I have updated my webpage, and hopefully it looks more straightforward. 

Your genuie respond really matters to me. This game was created with passion, and this is the first time I share the creation of my personal passion to everyone. I was very anxious. Nevertheless, kind and genuie people including you are so vital such that newbies like me are motivated and encouraged to take our steps further. 

Thank you for your comment, and wish you have a nice day. 

